Monday, September 29, 2008

Really? Christmas Already?

I love Christmas. It's a wonderful time of year. Now, I realize it is still nearly 3 months away and I'm already talking the holidays! Let me assure you that I will not be forgetting Thanksgiving. It has become my favorite holiday in the past few years because I have so much to be thankful for. Please know that I will be posting blogs on the subject of Thanksgiving.

The reason I am mentioning Christmas is that I know people are already doing their Christmas shopping. I've hesitated to start pushing Christmas, but people are looking for gifts and I want to have available to them what they need and what they are looking for. That is why I have a shop on sell jewelry.

I am encouraging those who have shops online to go ahead and list the items you want to sell for Christmas. I listed two items tonight on Etsy and have had a good response already in just a few hours. One of the items I listed was the pair of blue venetian glass/sterling silver snowflake earrings pictured above. If you list items you are wanting to sell for Christmas let me know so I can take a look too! And, Merry Christmas! ...oh, that hurt, didn't it?!? It's still fall! I promise you I am enjoying every day of this beautiful weather...the turning of the trees, the crisp fall nights and more. I just want to encourage you to plan ahead and be on top of your inventory and your fall sales. God blesses us when we organize, plan, and work that plan. I want to help you have a great selling season this fall!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Singing the Chocolate Blues

Most women love chocolate and most also love brown and blue together! I think you'll enjoy the treasury I put together on Etsy filled with chocolate brown (including some delicious cookies!) and blues. Click and check it out!
Colors are powerful. They convey messages, evoke emotions, stimulate feelings, and more. Enjoy color...especially all of the colors of nature around you. I love red and black and white...which are the colors God put together on the woodpecker. I like light blue and forest green together which are the colors God used when He placed green trees against the blue sky. Nature is a great source for color combinations. What beauty all around us!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Plus-Sized Bracelets

One of the fun and interesting things about having a jewelry shop on Etsy is getting to see all the beautiful designs the talented artisans offer! It's also fun to share some of these with others.

I was able to get a treasury on Etsy this morning and because I have had special orders for plus-sized bracelets I filled my treasury with beautiful and varied plus-sized bracelets on Etsy. Let me invite you to browse that gorgeous treasury.

I know it is difficult for ladies with larger wrists to find beautiful bracelets so I offer all of my bracelets to be custom-sized at no extra charge. Enjoy looking at the treasury and also at my shop!

Monday, September 8, 2008

How Do You Feel About A Schedule?

My daughter is currently taking a class on time management. She is taking a full class load at college and works 30 hours a week. In addition to being involved at church she likes to socialize, and so the class is being a tremendous help to her. I met with a dear friend today who is doing some volunteer work for our Christian ladies' publication ministry and she showed me her weekly schedule. This is a lady who built a multi-million dollar business and now uses those talents to help others. Her schedule is incredible and shows why she is able to accomplish so much. I grew up on a dairy farm, which meant that we had to milk the cows twice a day every single day. You could never just decide not to milk those cows; they had to be milked. If you wanted the best production it was important for the cows to be milked at the same time every morning and every night. Being forced to do so much by schedule on the farm was very good for me.

There are times I feel overwhelmed and feel I just can't get everything done. This is an extremely busy time of year for me because our church will host an international ladies conference in just five weeks. But every time I get overwhelmed I know what the answer is...schedule all the things I have to do rather than worry about them.

When frustrated it is important to look at all the demands on our time and evaluate if there are some things we should let go, but often times the real culprit is that we are not scheduled. We don't live by a plan, and therefore, do not accomplish all that we should be able to do.

Fall is a great time to re-establish your priorities and schedule our time. We resist putting constraints on our time and the things we do as it can seem constrictive. There is a part of me that just wants to do things as I feel like it, but the problem with that is it makes it impossible for me to accomplish all that I am supposed to do each day!

Start small and start now. Make a list of all the things you feel you need to accomplish in the next 24 hours. Be realistic; if you are feeling overwhelmed tomorrow is not the day to clean out the attic! List the duties in order of priority and then work on them one at a time. Stay focused. When you are tempted to do something not on your list resist the temptation and stay on track.

Have some goals and make a plan to reach those goals. I have a jewelry shop on Etsy. There are two extremes that can happen. One is that I don't schedule "Etsy" time and do nothing or very little to build that business. The other extreme is that I list new items and then spend unlimited time in the forums...causing me to neglect other responsibilities. I talked with my husband and we made a plan for how much time I will spend on the jewelry business each day. That helps me to keep the balance. I had time to list the above pictured bracelet today because I scheduled time to take pictures, edit the pictures, and post the listing.

Schedule and planning are your friends. Embrace them...and have a wonderful and productive fall!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Are You Seeing the Signs of Fall?

I absolutely love fall! It is probably due to all of the great things that happened every fall when I was growing up. We would rake the leaves and play in them. We had bonfires where we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows and drank hot chocolate. We got bushels of wonderful apples including golden grimes, yellow delicious, and more. We got to eat acorn squash from our garden; Mom baked it and then served it with melted butter and brown sugar! Grandma came from Kansas and baked apple pies. We went on rides to look at the turning leaves in the Minnesota Valley near New Ulm. Oh, it was wonderful! If you live in a southern or western state where you do not see the trees turn I am sorry. It's such a treat!

Look for signs of fall. Tomorrow we will go with two of my nieces and their two sons to the local apple orchard. We'll take a hay ride, pick apples, drink apple cider and eat cinnamon doughnuts and then come back to our house for a weiner roast with s'mores over a fire my husband will build. It will help provide wonderful memories for these primary and junior-age boys!

Why don't you plan some "fall activities" for some people in your life? Make memories that will last a lifetime. It doesn't have to cost a lot; it's the fun and time together that makes the difference.

Look for fall and enjoy it; start getting out your fall wardrobe; make a purchase or two that will rejuvenate your wardrobe, such as the carnelian sterling silver pendant shown above. (You're welcome to check out my shop at I just want to encourage you to enjoy fall from start to finish! HAPPY FALL~!

Monday, September 1, 2008

In the Beginning God...

From the time I was a young girl I knew that God created the Heavens and the earth. Fortunately, even when evolution was discussed at school my parents had grounded me in the Word of God well enough to know that it was simply impossible for all of the beauty and wonder around us to simply "evolve." Psalm 146:5, 6 says, "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever." At the end of every day in Genesis when He finished creating for that day the Bible says, "...And God saw that it was good..." Truly, everything God made is good and it is beautiful. As artisans, God is our example and He is our greatest source for creativity. It is God who puts the creative thoughts in our minds. Every time I design a new piece of jewelry I pray to the Master Designer and ask for His help. I made a treasury today featuring some of God's creativity...enjoy!